Francois Grobler SC
Date of Admission: 1997-04-15
Effective date: 1997-07-07
Date of Senior Status: 2020-02-28
LPC number: 13338
Office: 012 424 4130
Mobile: 082 776 3213
Chambers: Circle Chambers
Room: 119
Fields of Interest
- Administrative Law
- Arbitration Law
- Building and Construction Law
- Carriage and Transport Law
- Contract Law
- Delictual Law
- Enrichment law
- General Practise
- General Practise in civil matters
- General Practise in commercial matters
- General Practise in litigation
- Insurance Law
- Medical and Medical Negligence Law
- Partnership Law
- Personal Injury Law
- Property Law
- Sports Law
- Succession, Wills and Trust Law